A house of love with no limits a presence more beautiful than venus or the moon a beauty whose image fills the mirror of the heart Rumi
If I hear/see (fill in the blank) on more time, I'm gonna ...
I'll start...
Say, didn't this shop used to be that candle store?
Your turn.
Posted by Chavo at 2:11 PM
~What kind of birds are those?
~Oh...they're real! But they look too perfect to be real. (the flowers, readers! get your minds out of the gutter!)
~How long have you been here? I've never noticed you before.
~Do you grow all your own flowers?
~It must be so fun to work in a flower shop.
~It's my dream to have my own flower shop one day.
Oh, and...
~What's that beautiful tree with the purple flowers I see growing up and down the street?
See now don't you feel better!
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